Every Door Direct Mail
Let Us Explain
Are you wondering what EDDM is? Many people have no idea about it. EDDM, stands for Every Door Direct Mail. It is a bulk mailing option offered by the United States Postal Service.
The EDDM mailing allows you to reach every home and address in the neighborhood you choose to target.
Marketing mailers such as postcards and letters are delivered to every address defined in your geographical area by neighborhood, city, and zip code. In addition, individual communities are reached through specific mail carrier routes that you identify.
As a result, many hopeful customers across an entire ZIP code or mailing route can receive your special offer.

So, what is involved, and what can you mail?
For retail, EDDM lets you mail up to 5,000 mailers per day, per zip code. Postage permits are not required—the postage rates flats up to 3.3 oz. Particular dimensions must be followed, such as the measurements cannot exceed 15 inches long, 12 inches tall and 75-inch thick.
- No need for mailing lists to be supplied.
- An extremely cost effective means of advertising especially for small businesses.
- There are no postal limits and mailings within the numbers of 200 to 5,000 will not require a postal permit.
- Perfect for local area marketing.
- Design within the size limits and send your message to an entire community.
- With a mailer that has a unique and appealing visual appearance, customer growth has no boundaries.

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